Sunday, November 11, 2012

Balance became overloaded this week at the GaETC conference.  The Georgia educational technology conference was full of time grabbing ideas.  Ideas that having a learning curve that takes time.  I planned and went at the conference with a focus BYOD and things I could bring back to the teachers, IDEAS.  I learned a lot about BYOD and it's not about students bringing technology to school.  It's the new pencil and paper on hyper speed.  BYOD is really about teachers engaging their students differently.  Our students today have grown up with digital devices - tv, video games, smart phones, apps, and the list goes on.  However, the question is are teachers and administrators growing along with the students. Not sure?  If that were the case, it looks like they would be begging for more devices.  The problem is what is occurring to me at this moment- where to start - what can I commit too - and what is worthy of our time  - my vote is for true engagement.   Every cross grade level meeting I in the same thing keeps coming up - the students aren't retaining the information.  Second grade teachers adding and subtracting, but when they get to third grade they don't know how and the same thing goes all the way up and down the spectrum.  I think BYOD is the answer to engagement along with the new common cores focus on explaining (why?). This is my how for the moment.
My plan is to start engaging our teachers with not technology tools but engagement activities.
1.  Todaysmeet to get our feet wet.  Stop over planning and try things---- Every meeting we have introduce some with the idea of better engagement as a learner.
2. Focus on BYOD with Susan and Will - every week make sure something is progressing.
3. Ipad plan - teachers?  bring their iPad and discuss
4. Twice a month have a technology meeting with Mrs. Vick - invite all staff that would like to share and learn - back channel the focus of the meeting.
5.  Push Twitter and a school account. - call Evan

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