Sunday, March 24, 2013

Motivation Chapter 2 - Web 2.0 and BYOT

Last week I was very proud of three members of our staff for moving into the 21st without any mandates or federal requirements.  Two of our staff members have been exploring the idea of BYOT and the other is promoting her grade through Edmodo.
 BYOT is the equivalent to the first day kids brought paper and pencil to school.  I'm sure the same conversations took place then as now.  Johnny wrote a bad word with his pencil vs. Johnny posted a negative comment about someone online.  The difference is Johnny couldn't get help with his homework or learn the next topic before you teach it.  My daughter was doing research one night and she emailed the author and she received an email back.  She was able to have communication with the actual scientist doing the research.
BYOT - Susan and Will have been true guinea pigs figuring out what works with their students and our technology.  It took us about two months to figure out the wifi connections.  All devices may not work with your wifi system just be prepared to tell some parents their device will not work on our system.  I'm not sure if there is any real answers unless we all become wifi experts.  Start simple - use timers, online dictionaries, let them record themselves reading or speaking, just don't force technology where it doesn't fit.  Slow steps allow you and the students to get comfortable with bringing their devices and it becomes normal.  The biggest step is to remember that you need to think web 2.0. How can they use these devices to communicate, collaborate, and learn?  Centers for practice is OK to start but you want to create a creator of content not a consumer.

I think the biggest eye opener for Susan and Will was the fact that they are doing about the same or probably more than other teachers.  So how did I motivate them to achieve this success?  Since I think they read this blog, I'm going to let them comment on how they were motivated to try BYOT.
Our kindergarten has started putting everything on Edmodo: newsletter, reminders, homework, spelling test, videos to help teach your student, and other resources it's awesome.  One of our biggest struggles is how to get parents involved and this is a great way.
I was very proud of our school last week because we are stepping up to join the 21st century when it comes to learning and communication.  It's slow steps for everyone but the motivation to continue is engagement.  We have to engage our parents and students the way they are engaged at home.

I'm still working on what motivates me to learn and then I will be able to create a philosophy of motivation for our students.  My daughter was doing homework on Saturday morning and I asked her why?  First she said she wanted to make good grades then later so she could go to a good college.  I wish her answer would have been, I'm studying because I want to learn about ........  Her answer was very truthful.  Educators have to change our presentation so that our students understand the usefulness of it and that they aren't doing something just for a grade.

I hope you have a balanced week.

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