Sunday, May 19, 2013

A year in pictures!

 It's the last week of school.  I tried to write a great ending to the story, but I'm going to let the story tell itself.
                                           Cafe and Daily Five
                                            DC Parade - who knows?

                                              National Storytelling Festival Jonesborough, TN
Doc Watson Merle Fest - Boone, NC

                                                small groups
                                                 2nd graders reading with Kindergarten
                                                 Langston - 2 months old

                                                        Don't get rolled over
                                                            science fair

                                            Grow your own food!
Kindergarten graduation - 100's of smiles!
                                                 Carmen Deedy and my daughter
                                                        yes, I like cookies!
                                                         Plan to read!

School years are very precious.  We wish them away in the heat of the battle, but we should cherish each day whether good or bad.  21st century tools make it very easy to chronicle that journey.  This blog was an attempt to improve my writing skills and 21st educator skills.  If I have to assess myself I would give myself an A for not follow the rules and a C for organization.  I started because I was struggling with how to balance the school and home life, I didn't always stay on topic.  I did wander as I always do, but it's that how we learn.  I've experimented with a lot of 21st tools, twittered with a lot of interesting people, and read some of the best written blogs in my life.  It's hard to believe the talent in the educational world that we just give away for free.  I plan on using pinterest, twitter, and my blog to continue my education online and I'm sorry to say that I think I learned more this year than going back to school.  Yes, I know I need my Phd.
One last thought for the school year. Above is a picture of my garden in early spring, it takes constant attention to have a steady crop of something to eat.  You have to protect the soil, water, watch for insects, it know exactly when to plant(timing is every thing), and constantly experiment with different plants.  It's real easy to grow tomatoes and cucumbers.  Black beans, swiss chard, garlic, onions, sugar snap peas, sweet potatoes, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, black eyed peas, collard greens, mint, parsley, lettuce, carrots, beets, kale, and broccoli can be a challenge.  However, that  challenge is what makes life fun and exciting.  Every teacher has a wide variety of students with a wide variety of needs and when we reach out in an exciting thought provoking way we will reap the harvest of life long learning for all.
I've had over 800 views this year and thanks to everyone that participated in my journey.

Be the change you wish to see in the world!

1. organize my pictures better!
2. take better pictures of all events
3. make sure you are having fun everyday!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Excited about STEM!

What gets you excited about being a teacher? or being a school leader? Student engagement - teacher engagement - Last week I had the opportunity to take a teacher to tour a STEM school, she left excited with ideas.  I believe in project based learning it creates student engagement.  18 years ago I attended an AIMES workshop and it helped me revolutionize my classroom because it gave me resources to pull off my ideas weekly.  It's very easy to forget how much time it takes to create project based lessons, but once you do it they become easier every year.  I hope to use STEM certification to create that same revolution at our school.  Below is some resources I found to help you research the idea of STEM in your classroom.

Check out Henderson Hill Elementary School in Atlanta

Engineering is Elementary

PBS teachers resources

Discovery Education Common Core Academies

Sunday, May 5, 2013

It's May and you need a reason!

Watch this video, 7 minutes and 48 seconds - for some last three weeks of school inspiration.

I would like to thank every teacher for what you do because you make a difference and you can change our society.
Thank you