Sunday, April 21, 2013

Wagging puppy tails

I started to take the week off from posting, but my goal has been to post every week until I decide to stop.  My focus on motivation has taken me through three books:
Mastery by Robert Greene
The Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg
The WillPower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal
I'm still reading The Willpower Instinct but I've come to a conclusion about motivation.  Motivation is the desire for happiness.  The question and confusion comes with the word happiness.
Students walk into your room with different definitions of happiness: playing video games for hours, playing out side with no goal just enjoying whatever happens, watching Tv, eating, reading, and the list could go on and on.  As educators we have to create an environment that makes school part of happiness.  Langston is our new puppy and he just turned 5 months old.  He seems to enjoy everything and especially eating, he seems to be happy.  I ran today, that made me happy.  It was the first time in five months I ran without pain!
Every Monday start your morning off asking about their weekend.  This time should be like the Ozzie and Harriet dinner time.  One student talks the others listen and have them repeat their classmates thoughts.  Truly engage in each student and have them learn to engage in each other, teach everyone to be present in the moment.  One year I had a little girl tell me every Monday that she went to Golden Corral for lunch after church on Sunday.  That was a very respectable event for her family and she was proud of being able to go out to eat.  Food was always her motivator.  This may seem funny but that piece of knowledge can get you over mountains.  Knowing who is playing sports, taking dance, wishing for a new bike, family is getting a divorce, family having a baby, relative moving in, step brother moving in, staying up to late and the list goes on.  They give you the information you need to read their actions and thoughts.  Yes, it takes time but it's worth every minute of it, if you create a risk free environment, and allow students to speak you may become their motivator.
Give the above books a try and find out what makes you happy, it may change your career.

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